Saturday, March 3, 2012

Holy Habit of Contentment

In the Ladies Bible Study at church, we have started a book called, Calm my Anxious Heart. I encourage every woman to read this book if you have a chance. It's so good! In the beginning, it shares a missionary lady's story about her life on the mission field. She was in a really hot part of Africa with no air conditioning and other hard circumstances; however, she was perfectly content. Ella Spees had a simple habit of contentment and I wanted to share that with each of you. May we each live our life in this same regard.

Ella Spees' Holy Habit of Contentment from the book, Calm my Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow

* Never allow yourself to complain about anything- not even the weather.
*Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or someplace else.
*Never compare your lot with another's.
*Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.
* Never dwell on tomorrow-remember that tomorrow is God's, not ours.

Now believe me when I say that I am still working on this in my own life, because I have always struggled with contentment. God is teaching this to me through dealing with my daily struggle of fibromylagia or waiting on his timing for the mission field.  I know that my God knows what he is doing, and it's best for me to simply trust the portion he has given me.

"Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure." Psalm 16:5

Blessings to all of you!

Monday, February 20, 2012

February Update

Hello family and friends!

David and I are so excited to see God's hand in our lives. He has been so good to us, and continues to mold us on a daily basis into what he wants us to be. Thank you very much for your prayer support. We greatly appreciate it.

We sent out our February newsletter yesterday and I tried to post it on here, but was having some trouble. If you didn't receive one and would like to, please let us know by giving your email/mailing address.

Our church plant is growing so much! God is really bringing families to our church. We had about 4 new families come just yesterday, not to mention all of the other families we have seen over the last month or so. Praise the Lord! On a good Sunday, we are running a little over 50 people. = ) David and I are so excited to be a part of such a vital ministry. We know this is great training for the foreign mission field. God is also doing a work in our ministries we are involved in such as: Spanish Bible study at the Spanish restaturant, Pancho Villas (David), Ladies study in our home (Hannah), Salem Pregnancy Care Center counseling (Hannah), and of course studies throughout the week with our church we attend (both of us).

Please keep the prayers coming that God will continue to show us his will concerning Compass Aviation.  This is the missions mobilizer we had mentioned in our newsletter along with the last post on here. David would have the opportunity to work and fly these general aviation planes. In order for us to prepare to go to the mission field, David needs as many flight hours as possible. This would be such a tremendous opportunity for David and I. We want God's will so please pray for us concerning that. Please let us know how we can pray for you as well.

Love in Christ,

David and Hannah Mora

"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Compass Aviation Visit

This past Friday, January 27th, David and I had the opportunity to visit Compass Aviation in Shelby, NC. We have been praying about what God would have us to do next in regards to missions. Compass Aviation is a missions mobilizer where David could get more experience working on airplanes and flying and we would be raising support at the same time. If this were to work out, I would be looking for a teaching position in the Shelby area. This opportunity would be a great experience for both of us. Please pray with us as we seek God's will as to whether Compass Aviation is in his plans for our lives. We will be sending out a February newsletter soon and we will be mentioning more about this wonderful opportunity.  If you don't receive our newsletters and would like to, please give us your email address or mailing address.

Thanks for your prayers!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I have always been one to struggle with contentment. The Lord is constantly reminding me to be content in whatever circumstances he has for me at that time. As you know, David and I's heart is to be in full-time ministry with missions in the near future. We are stuck where we are right now, because we are paying off his student loan. The Lord has really been teaching me to be content here right now even though we are not in "full time ministry." I have come to realize that I am in full-time ministry. I am a Christian who teaches in a public school and has the awesome opportunity to shine my light in front of my children and my co-workers. We are working in a church plant, leading Bible studies, and I am counseling at Salem Pregnancy. We are missionaries right here and right now and this is where God wants us for the time being. I know this may sound silly to you, but God has really been laying on my heart lately to be content with where he has me. He has a perfect reason for all of it and he knows exactly what he is doing. This is his plan right now for us and all I can see is a piece to  the big puzzle. He sees the entire picture and in his timing he will allow the doors for us to go overseas to open if that is his will. Jeremiah 29:11 says," For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you not to harm you..." He has a perfect plan and us trusting him with each step is all he asks us to do. May you also be content in whatever state God has placed you in.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ministies Update

David and I are praising the Lord for him getting switched to 1st shift at Timco. It has been wonderful to see each other more. We have both been very busy though at work. He has been working some overtime and of course teaching for me is always over time. = ) Gotta love it though!

As far as our church and ministies, it is going great! God is truly doing great things. We help set up church on Sunday mornings before everyone gets there and help tear down items. We LOVE that we get to help in that way. I am also hoping to be a part of the worship team in the near future when they get a sound system. I love singing, and I am excited to use my talents for him.We also have Bible studies at the church we love to be a part of when we are able. David is still teaching his Bible study with a friend of ours at his Spanish restaurant, Pancho Villas, on Monday evenings. They had about 5 saved the first time and they are in the process of discipling them! How awesome is that? I am still involved at Salem Pregnancy with counseling one to two times a month since school has started back up. I also have a Bible study in our home for ladies. We are about to start the book of Ephesians, and I am so excited about it! I also hold a prayer meeting at school for teachers and we just held our first meeting last Wednesday. Praise the Lord that we had more come this year! It is definitely growing. It is just so amazing for us to see God working mine in our lives. I know I personally have a lot of growing to do spiritually and it's neat to see God shape and mold me into who he wants me to be.

Keep praying for us concerning missions. We are working on paying David's student loan. We are living pretty tight (Dave Ramsey style). = ) We are hoping to have it paid in full in 7-9 months. After that is paid, we will Lordwilling be heading in the direction of where God would have us to go missions wise. Please pray for us to have wisdom and discernment as to what God is calling us to do. We appreciate your prayers!!!

David and Hannah Mora

Monday, August 15, 2011

Praise Report

David and I are rejoicing that my loan is now paid in full!! We are so excited that now we only have his student loan to pay off. It is so amazing to me to see how God has ALWAYS and will continue to provide for us. That goes for our Piedmont Baptist College apartment we lived in for 6 months with cheap rent, our beautiful home (that we couldn't afford) that we can rent for cheap now, our jobs he has provided for us, items people have given us since we have been married, and many more!! I couldn't name them all because there are so many!
What an awesome God we serve! Please pray with us as we continue to strive to get to the mission field as soon as God allows. We hope to have this loan paid off in the next year. We hope to then start seeking God's direction for where he would lead us to do next. Can't wait to see what he has in store for us!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Our New Ministry

We are thoroughly enjoying the local church plant that we are involved in. God is doing a tremendous work in both of us as well as in our church. We are seeing 1-2 new families every week come to our church to check it out. David is involved in two men's studies. He is helping lead a Spanish men's study at a local Spanish restaurant with another church member.I also have a ladies' Bible study in our home that I love!  This is wonderful experience for both of us for the mission field.I am also still involved in counseling at Salem Pregnancy Care Center. I have been able to counsel more during the summer with me being out of school. When schools starts back up, I will only be able to counsel maybe twice a month. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to stay involved in ministry and get the needed experience for the mission field.